Why 8 AWG Marine Battery Cable is the Best Electrical Wire for Your Bo
05/30/2019 12:04 pm

Boats drift in water for a long period of time. This duration can cause corrosion to appear on your boat’s electrical wires. Corrosion affects everything connected to a boat. It can affect a boat’s generator or battery parts. Essential parts needed to drive a boat or turn the lights on. You need to avoid corrosion at all costs. Corrosion causes electrical oxidation of metal, which creates an orange color on the sides of your boat. You do not want to experience interruptions caused by corrosion in the middle of the ocean. No, you need the best electrical wires you can get your hands; wires that have built-in materials to prevent your boat from getting corrosion damage. Electrical wires that can get you through the roughest storms. They will benefit you greatly when you least expect it.

The 8 AWG marine battery cable is the most advanced electrical wire device you can spend your money on. This cable is provided by EWCSWire and is the perfect electrical wire for your boat. This wire can be used for other electrical devices, but is mainly designed for boats that travel a long time though water. The wire is made with Marine-grade wire for dealing with oils and wet environments. The jacket of this strong wire is immune to wet and slippery substances. Each single strand of wire built within has tin coating. The tin coating gives the wire stronger resistance and added protection against water damage.

The wire has Type 3 strand for tough movements. Boats experience a lot of vibrations that occur on the outside and inside. They need tough electrical wire material that can outlast all boat vibrations. The standard boat electric wires contain Type 2 stranded. The Type 2 strand is not as durable as the Type 3 strand found in the 8 AWG marine battery cable. The Type 3 strand has 5-10 times more copper wires built in. The cable is more flexible and damage resistant than the standard Type 2 strand. This is the best electrical wire for a person looking for an electrical wire that has the most endurance.

This electrical wire is capable of sending the right amount of voltage to the given electrical area. The 8 AWG marine battery cable has been tested to put out 600 volts of electricity for 221℉ dry and 167℉ wet. Most standard electric cables provide proper voltage outputs for a few months. Then, they will most likely provide a lower amount of voltage output for a given electrical area. The water environment is likely the cause to this. You need this cable to give you the voltage you expect every time you use it on your boat.

This electrical wire is tested by EWCSWire to provide the highest safety standards. It meets the ABYC standards for AC and DC use. The length of the wire is based on AWG, which provides longer range. You won’t have a problem connecting the wire to various areas on your ship. This is the most advance electrical wire that you can buy, and you can buy one today from EWCSWire for a low price, today!

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